Writing Skills Hive
Below you'll find detailed curriculum information about the resources in the Writing Skills Hive. Click on one of the buttons to download a pdf or editable version of the information.
Curriculum Information
Below you'll find information about the Grammar Hive.Â
List of Writing Skills
The resources in the Writing Skills Hive focus on the following skills:
- Capitalization
- Dates
- Days of the Week
- First Word in Sentence
- Geographic Names
- Holidays
- Months of the Year
- People
- Places
- Products
- Streets
- Titles
- Towns and Cities
- Word “I”
- Paragraph Writing
- Add Details
- One Idea
- Stay on Topic
- Punctuation
- Apostrophes
- Contractions
- Possessives
- Commas
- Addresses
- Dates
- Dialogue
- Greetings and Closings in Letters
- Series
- Exclamation Marks
- Periods
- Abbreviations
- End of Sentences
- Question Marks
- Quotation Marks
- Dialogue
- Sentence Writing
- Action Words
- Combine Sentences
- Complete and Incomplete
- Expand Sentences
- descriptive words
- use where, when, how, and why
- Formal and Informal
- Run-on Sentences
- Sentences and Fragments
- Show, Don’t Tell
- Simple and Compound
- Subjects and Predicates
- Subject/Verb Agreement
- Tenses (past, present, and future)
- Types (statements, questions, and exclamations)
- Write a Sentence (capital, end mark, and complete thought)
- Apostrophes
Types of Writing Skill Activities
You’ll find both digital and printable writing skill activities. The activities include:
- Digital Activities
- Printable Activities
- Assessments
Ideas For Using Writing Skill ResourcesÂ
You can use the writing skill activities in your classroom:
- as part of your regular language arts program,
- as a bell ringer activity,
- for homework practice,
- as an activity for early finishers, or
- in a literacy center.
Season and Holiday Writing Activities
There are a number of writing skill resources that can be used around the following seasons and holidays:
- Fall
- Spring
- Summer
- Winter
- Back To School
- Christmas
- Earth Day
- Easter
- End of Year
- Halloween
- New Year’s Day
- Patrick’s Day
- Thanksgiving
- Valentine’s Day
Common Core Standards
The activities in the Writing Skills Hive address the following Common Core Standards:
Grade 1 Language Standards
- L.1.2 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- L.1.2 a – Capitalize dates and names of people.
- L.1.2.b – Use end punctuation for sentences.
- L.1.2.c – Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series.
Grade 2 Language Standards
- L.2.2 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- L.2.2.a – Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.
- L.2.2.b – Use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
- L.2.2.c – Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives.
Grade 3 Language Standards
- L.3.2 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- L.3.2.a – Capitalize appropriate words in titles.
- L.3.2.b – Use commas in addresses.
- L.3.2.c – Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.
- L.3.2.d – Form and use possessives.
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